Sunday, January 23, 2011

Perplexing Perplexity

I'm not a genius but I'm not stupid. There are things I know well, things I know some what and things I think I know. There are also things I believe I know better then other people but have my doubts about so I keep my mouth shut when ask concerning those things.

There are also things I don't know much about and things I don't know at all. In this is also other subclasses of things - things I don't know and don't care about, things I don't know now but knew at one point, etc.

I can't say at all that I know everything about any one thing but I will claim I know a lot about most everything. Many times I find that the things I don't know anything about are the things I can give the best advice about and people seem to think I know what I'm talking about.

One example of this would be building a garage. I haven't a clue about construction but I know what looks right and what doesn't. I also have a keen sense of what would work better to get things done easier which is why when my landlord was building the garage he listened to me and seemed to follow my lead, in spite of the fact he has/had more knowledge about construction then I do.

Blogging is something I haven't figured out yet either. What is the point of blogging anyway? We put on the screen for the whole world to see (yes I know I can make things private but whats the point of that anyways?) and maybe if you are lucky or have built up a following, which I haven't, you will get comments regularly about what you post. The key question however is why? Why bother with blogging?

So far blogging has, as far as I'm concerned, managed only to take time I could be doing something else and enjoying more. Yet I have found that I have been blogging more and playing less (well not this week based on the amount of activity I've had on Facebook).

Facebook is something else I don't understand. If it wasn't for the apps they have there I wouldn't even bother maintaining an account there. I don't "blog" on Facebook and I don't post pictures there. I only play games. Once in a while I'll respond to someone else in their post.

Maybe one day I will be less perplexed by the perplexity of things and learn to understand more. For now I will continue to go thru life wondering how I ever got involved with all this goofiness in the first place.

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