Saturday, January 15, 2011

Facebook App: Truths About You

I have been reading some of the responses that others have answered about me on Facebook Application called, "Truths About You". Truths About You allows others to answer general yes/no questions about someone. Some of the answers about me surprise me also disappoint me. I would like to personally answer some of these questions with yes/no answers about myself.

1. Do you think that Jeff B. has ever given money to a homeless person? This was answered on Facebook as no but the truth is I have many times given my last dollar to a homeless person or someone less fortunate then myself. One time giving as much as $10.00, cup of coffee and food to a guy just trying to get home.

2. Do you think that Jeff B. still sleeps with a teddy bear? Someone said yes to this but the truth is I have never slept with a teddy bear. I have most of my life had a cat or dog around to sleep with. I did however have a stuffed tiger once that I allowed to stay on the bed part of the night.

3. Do you think that Jeff B. voted for Obama? Answered yes on Facebook but I have to admit I haven't voted since Carter was in office which was my one and only time I voted in a presidential election. Yes, I voted for Carter, no I wouldn't never have voted for Obama nor would I have voted for McCain. I grew up in Illinois and was familiar with Obama's politics (a little) there. McCain on the other hand is more out of touch with the American people (read some of my other post) and doesn't even deserve to be in office any longer.

4. Do you think that Jeff B. is a good friend? This was answered as a no and I admit sometimes I'm not. I try to be a good friend and desire to be so. My biggest problem here is so many of those I was a good friend with stabbed me in my back and left me hanging so its hard to allow myself to get that close to others again.

5. Do you think that Jeff B. has ever pranked call someone? Do you think that Jeff B. would pull a fire alarm as a prank? They answered no to both of these yet the truth is I have pranked called someone many years ago while I have never pulled a fire alarm.

6. Do you think that Jeff B. has ever cheated on a test? I appreciate that someone said no to this but the truth is I have at least twice cheated on a test. Once in High School for Algebra the other was in College for a required English class.

7. Do you think that Jeff B. speeds when driving? Though someone said no (thank you) I do speed when driving in some places. Mostly I speed while on the interstate or back country roads.

8. Do you think that Jeff B. should not wear tight clothing? I agree with who ever answered yes to this question. My body style and size would make me look like a stuffed turkey ready for Thanksgiving if I wore tight clothes. Ain't going to happen.

9. Do you think that Jeff B. has ever skinny dipped? The yes answer here gave me the chuckles since I can't even swim. The closes I have ever come to skinny dipping was standing outside under the garden hose without my shirt on.

10. Is Jeff B. fun to be around? This was also answered with a yes and I can't give you a good yes or no answer about myself on this one. Do I joke around a lot? yes. Do I like teasing and having fun? yes. Most of the time when I am in a group of people regardless if I know them or not I'm pretty quite and only talk to one or two people within the group. I do loosen up after a few visits with the same group of people and tend to find one or two persons who I can tease or pick on to help break the ice each gathering.

If I am anything its naive at times since I tend to speak openly about what I am thinking. This could also be called being blunt.

I hope this helps you understand me better. If you have a few general questions you would like to know the answers to leave me a comment or send me a response via Facebook. I just might answer them.


  1. R u a trendy person ?

  2. Depends on what you refer to as trendy?

  3. Hitler never learned how to swim either. :D

  4. I enjoyed reading the top portion of your blog because of your honesty. I'm sorry the facebook app 'Truth's About You' ended up being a pain. Now I know I will not be using it. Thank you.

  5. I was a little offended by someone I know who was saying stuff about me of which I realised I just overreacted and realised more I chose this app, I should expect something like this. It maybe a fun app but you can easily lose friends over it if you take it too seriously which can be a problem
