Monday, December 5, 2011

FaceBook WTP Poker

I admit I am not the best poker player. I never claimed to be even a good poker player. I am however willing to risk everything for what I believe is a winning hand. I don't play for real money any more even though I have played a few cash games in the past. Never online however. My one attempted to play for money online was shot down thanks to our greedy Government getting their hands into things.

Facebook has a number of Online Poker games from various poker companies or sites. For this post I'm staying only with WTP on FaceBook.

WTP Poker on FaceBook is likely one of the over all worse of all the poker games they offer. There are at least main complaints about WTP that many players have expressed over time, myself included.

The first complaint are the 75 play money gifts that your friends can send you. If you are lucky you might be able to collect one maybe two of them. The rest seem to never appear in your WTP inbox yet they do appear on your list under Game Request.

When I first started playing WTP on Facebook we used to be able to collect all the 75 play money gift your friend gave you. Also you could find hidden chips worth 5000 play money on tables in the lower right hand corner. That help those of us that have gone broke to possibly keep playing. Now we can only depend on the daily lottery spin.

This brings us to the second complaint which are the lottery spins. If ever there was a joke WTP has one of the biggest going. Most everyone I have spoken too rarely ever get more then 1000 per day. Even at the maximum multiplier of 5 that is only 5000. Many, if not most of the other poker games on FaceBook give you a whole lot more then 5000 daily. Earlier today one person I know got over 60 million play money lottery on a different poker game but his last 15 spins on WTP was no more then 1000 (plus the multiplier when applicable).

Finally the last complaint about WTP and we'll add just about all other games, including Facebook itself. Customer support is a waste of time. Chances are they will make excuses but won't address the problem directly. A large number of people have complained about the lack of response from Support and when there is a response it mostly comes across as a smoke screen.

Sadly, in America today customer support and personal service is taking a back seat in many businesses. This is a tread that has very easily been adapted to many areas of internet websites. Some could say that the lack of concern about the customer is larger a classic example of how big business  chooses to operate (They need our business so we are going to ignore them mentality).

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