Saturday, December 17, 2011

Adoption: Sharing Your Love Aboundantly

When I was a year and half old I was adopted by a family that provided me with a wonderfully loving home. I have a education and worked hard for most of my adult life. I'm proud of the fact I was adopted. I always knew I was adopted and often times wondered what my biological mom and dad looked like.

On my eighteenth birthday I was awaken to my mom asking me to come to the kitchen because she had something to show me. In our local paper was a one inch by one inch square box that said, "Happy Birthday Danny. Please Call Mom". It also include a phone number. Mom informed me that it was my biological mother trying to find me. I read the ad again, turned to mom and said, "OK" and went back to bed.

It wasn't until a Friday before I gave it any further thought (the ad was in the Wednesday paper) while at school. When I got home I asked mom what she thought about all of this and if I should call my biological mom. Mom told me it was up to me with only two bits of advice. First - never forget who raised you. Second - it was up to me if I allowed them to know where I lived. I called my biological mom that evening and met her and her family at the mall the following day. Since then I have met more family members then I ever thought I had. I have also realized I am a very confused person because I am - an Only Child (my biological mom and dad only had me between them and I was both their first), the Youngest Child (my adopted parents had two older kids already out of the house) and the Middle Child (my biological mom and dad were divorced and remarried and had other children). For those that know me can now understand a little bit of why I'm so screwed up. LOL

Adoption is one of the best gifts you can give a young person of any age. It doesn't matter if you are advanced in age and have children full grown or if you are looking to expand your family or if your desire to adopt comes from the lack of ability to have children of your own.

If you are going to adopt don't go over over seas to do so. According to a 2009/2010 statical report there are over 114,000 persons in the United States waiting for Adoption. Many of those young persons spend years in adoption waiting for someone to take them home.

I started this post with the intention of ranting about Celebrities who go overseas to adopt but don't even adopt one young person from right here in the U.S. but I decided against it.  I just wanted to share my story and offer encouragement in hopes that other young people can experience the love and compassion from someone who loves them enough to give them a home and a FAMILY.

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