Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Confused about bin Laden

September 11, 2001 will always be remembered as the day the Twin Towers were destroyed by terrorism. That was brought about due largely because of people like Osama bin Laden and others.

Yesterday, we learn that bin Laden is dead because our military, CIA and others finally got a break with viable information about bin Laden's location. Yesterday should have been a day of rejoicing and thankfulness because bin Laden is no longer a threat to the United States or anyone else. I can't rejoice or feel proud of the fact bin Laden is dead. All I can think about is that day the towers fell and those planes full of people that went down elsewhere.

I remember that morning as if it was yesterday. I was getting ready for work and as it so happened my father-in-law happened to be awake watching the news. We watched in horror as the media showed live video of the first tower bellowing smoke from where the plane had crashed into its side. We sat mortified as we watched live the second plane crashing into the other tower. And we were numb with disbelief and shock as those towers came crashing down sending debris, smoke and ash for miles. To add to our terror we listened to the news as we learned of yet another plan crashing into the Pentagon and yet another into a field.

As days passed and more information became available we heard stories of survivors at the Twin Tower site. We prayed together, cried together and cheered together with each story of survival. We once again came together as a nation united against those who dared to attack us.

Weeks, even months would go by and still we found we had reasons celebrate as we learned of the heroism on Flint 93, though all were lost. On Flight 77 passengers managed to phone loved ones and send messages to friends advising them of what was happening again all were lost.

We will never fully understand someone like bin Laden and for that reason we will remained confused about him and others to come after him. America is still the best country in the world. We The People are Confused about many things concerning our American Government and their under handed dealings but we are proud to stand beside our fellow man and call America Home.

They can tear down our towers, burn down our homes, kill our people and crash our planes yet they will NEVER EVER DEFEAT AMERICAN PATRIOTISM!

We will not cheer or celebrate bin Laden's death or any of our enemies. We choose only to celebrate the lives of those who were lost, who chose to take a stand and believed in our freedoms and paid the ultimate sacrifice in making America what it is today.

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