Thursday, February 10, 2011

We the People Remain Confused

No matter how long I have lived I find that the older I get the more confused I get about a lot of things. As I look back over this blog I have noticed that I have become somewhat political in some of even more of my comments.

I want to apologize right now for that. We the People Are Confused was never intended to be mostly a political blog. Yes I had intended to post a few things related to government and their underhanded workings. But that was never my sole intention. I don't know enough about politics to argue my points logically or intelligently.

We the People are Confused isn't only about me and what confuses me. It is for everyone and by everyone I know that also is confused by some of the BS that is going on around us. We are tired and frustrated with things and with people of all walks of life.

It is disturbing to us how often we read the same stuff and no one seems to be doing anything about it, except the same things that haven't worked the first 100 times they did it. Politics is one of the biggest examples here. No matter what party is elected they both seem to do the same thing - give tax breaks to the wealthy, allow businesses to ship our jobs overseas and take away from the working class people such as my friends and I.

Another confusing thing are actors or celebrities. Can someone please explain how is it that someone like Lindsey Lohan can continue to do the things she does without any long lasting punishment? Is Lohan wasn't a celebrity she would have been locked up in prison serving her sentence without being pampered like is has been so far.

Confusion also comes from our educational system. The educational system lacks the very thing its promoting - knowledge, understanding and logic. First we have college education cost running sky high keeping some people from even thinking about attending college. If these colleges were run the way the teaches within them teach they wouldn't be so expensive. My college math professor hit the nail on the head when he stated that college charge so much because they are run by business people who only care about making a profit, not educating the youths of America.

Another things confusing about our educational system are the rules they following. I understand the "anti-gang", "anti-weapons" policies schools implemented. They are a needed part of protecting those within the schools (employee and students alike). What I don't get is suspending or expelled a 8 yr old for bring a plastic toy gun to school (Link here). What about when a 5 yr old being expelled for the same thing (Link here)

Schools get even more confusing when they refuse to work with students and parents because the child has a mental or physical problem. A student with A.D.D. shouldn't be disciplined the same way other students are for not paying attention. A student requiring a cane, walker or wheelchair shouldn't be punished for being late for class. And a student with hearing loss shouldn't be teased about not paying attention when the problem is they didn't hear. If you read this paragraph and think these things don't happen you are mistaken. They happen daily all over America.

With the current attention Bullying is getting now days its time to add these things on that bullying list too. Sometimes the Bully is the very educational system or the teachers working in that system that is the biggest problem.

We have some great teachers and pretty good educational system in America but some times they lack common sense. I admire the teachers I had and respect them highly. I had a few (very few) that didn't understand my hearing problem and didn't understand other physical limitations. I wouldn't trade my education for anything only wish I could continue with it at times.

We the People are Confused about all these things and many other things. If you happen to see this blog tells us what confuses you. We can all be Confused Together and who knows maybe I'll talk about it here some day.

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