Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Grass is Greener in Other Countries??

It is funny how so many people keep talking about how America needs to be more like this country or that country.

No matter what area of American life we are talking about people seem to think that other countries are better either in whole or part. Yet, when America starts being more like those other countries people start complaining. 

For example - Canada has health care for everyone. Some European countries and other countries have unified bathrooms and have had for years. And those same countries seem to have lower crime rate then America. Some country government has banned special interest groups from their government offices.

Maybe we do need to be more like Canada and provide medical care to everyone. Maybe we need to be more like other countries other countries and have unified bathrooms. Maybe we should allow all immigrant into the country. 

Canada's tax rate is a lot higher then in America. This allows them to provide medical and other assistance to their citizens. 

European and other countries have unified bathrooms and other things some Americans want. Yet many of those countries don't have the freedoms that America has. 

Maybe (and this one I can support) our government should ban special interest groups from all government offices. But I wonder what else they do that might not be in American interest. 

Maybe we should open our boarders to all immigrants. Allow all who wish to make a life in America easier. Questions At what cost? Give up our freedoms to accommodate their life styles? Give up our jobs and our cities? How long before you call a business and no longer have the option of speaking English?  How long before going to the mall or store is like visiting a war zone?

Seems to me a lot of America has a "grass is greener" syndrome. So many people seem to claim they want here in America what other countries have or are doing. Grass isn't always greener. Sometimes you have to appreciate and accept what all you do have and work to preserve that. Maybe there are things America would benefit from that other countries have or do. The question comes down to asking yourself what you are willing to pay for those things. 

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