Monday, December 19, 2016

Benefits of Having Karaoke at Your Bar

Karaoke entertainment has been around in some form or other since the 1960s. Today the world wide karaoke business is an estimated $10 billion dollar business. You can find karaoke machines for home use and Karaoke companies to host events for your business, parties or special events for a fee.

Many bars today have neglected the benefits to having karaoke and over look how providing one or two nights of karaoke can actually, over time, increase sales and their customer base. I can't really blame them though. After all there are a lot of really bad karaoke businesses or companies out there that have lousy song choices, poor or out dated equipment or the KJ (Karaoke Jockey) is boring or has a bad attitude. Who wants that in their bars, right?

I agree completely. Bars deserve to have a karaoke night that is fun, entertaining, sounds good and has a entertaining KJ. Having the right Karaoke company or person in your establishment is as important as picking the right product to sale or furniture your customers will use. So how do you go about finding the right karaoke company? Glad you asked. Over the rest of this post I will cover some of the basic questions you should be asking potential karaoke companies to bring into your establishment.

As a bar owner or manager looking to start a karaoke night the first question you should be asking a possible karaoke company is how much do they charge. Now this can be a double edge sword for you when making the right choice. First you will be tempted to hire them if they are cheap - $75 to $125 a night. But trust me you won't be getting the very best quality service for a karaoke night and your customers won't enjoy it.

Problem with karaoke services that charge $75 to $125 a night is they likely doing it as a hobby, they likely use second rate sound equipment and don't have a good song selection to choose from. Also many of those cheaper karaoke services are illegally streaming Youtube karaoke videos. Now wait a minute you say. Why is using Youtube illegal? The reason is simple - copyright. Hiring a karaoke service that use YouTube videos from your bar or establishment can be a costly mistake. Leading to fines against the bar of thousands of dollars if caught. Not the mention the fact that the video quality and song selection from YouTube good enough or large enough to satisfy your customers needs and wants. Remember you, the bar owner or manager wants your customers to have a good time.

So what price range should bars be willing to pay for karaoke? We charge $200 for a four hour show. National averages for karaoke runs between $50 to $75 per hour or for a four hour show between $200 to $225. This varies depending on location, region and other factors. Larger cities like Chicago, New York and L.A those cost could be even higher ($300 - $500 per night for 4 hours)

The second question you should ask is what kind of equipment do they use. This is important for a lot of reasons. First off if they are using a basic karaoke machine anyone can buy for about $150 they are not going to be worth your time and your customers will get bored quickly. Also if their equipment isn't good quality the music won't sound good and again your customers will get bored or turned off. You will end up paying for a DJ night rather then a karaoke night because no one want to sing when the music sounds worse than they do.

We have 1000 watt speakers with stands, a Pevey power mixer, both wired and wireless microphones with mic stands and a monitor with stand. All of these things provide great quality sound and can handle rooms of almost any size. This size and power of system isn't required but should be close to what a quality Karaoke services provides.

Next question that needs to be asked is what kind of song selection do they have. If they say they use Youtube, or any other online service for their song selection you need to avoid them completely. They should be able to give you a number of songs between 60 to 90 thousand minimum. Anything more than is even better and insures your customers will have plenty to choose from.

We provide over 100 thousand karaoke songs and over 20 thousand music tracks for dancing, listening and special request or parties. We purchase regularly additional karaoke songs when they become available. The more songs to choose from the greater chance your customers will stick around. If they are sticking around for karaoke they will spend more money on your products. That means higher sales for you and which a good sign that the karaoke service is good quality. But wait there's more!

Finally one question we have been asked a lot is what kind of following do we have. There is a problem with this question. This question is likely the least important to worry about. The most important thing is not the following the karaoke service will bring in but can they develop a following for you, the business, by being there. It is your business and you are the one depending on repeat customers. A good quality karaoke service will work to create a following for you, to make repeat customers out of everyone who walks in the door. The karaoke service will move on, have other shows and make money else where no matter what you do.

We always tell business owners when asked about our following that we want to thrive on creating a following where ever we are. By doing this people associate that business with our karaoke company. Once that following has been established they will keep coming back each and ever night we are there. Again by creating a following for your business because we are there it insure you repeat customers. Our job as a karaoke service is to keep them entertained. If we can get them coming back time and time again that is even better for both the business and the karaoke service.

In closing let me say that when you hire a karaoke service to provide musical entertainment for one or more nights it is in basic terms a partnership. They are their to help you increase business. Yes, they want and need to make money too. But their number one goal should be to help you increase business by providing the very best entertainment possible. By doing this they establish a following for the business, increase sales and insure repeat business for the establishment they are working in. But they can't do it alone. The business needs to help promote them, get the word out to their customers, and spread the news about having karaoke through word of mouth. All of this works hand in hand.

I hope this blog post help you make better and more informed choices about who you hire to do your karaoke entertainment. If you are reading this and wish to contact us for karaoke service we welcome you to do so. Visit us on Facebook at Soundz Right Entertainment, like our page and send us a message or call us on the phone. We service all of Illinois and will travel through the mid-west region. We also offer Wedding reception musical entertainment and special events, house parties, parties of almost any kind and more. Contact us for more information and pricing.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Grass is Greener in Other Countries??

It is funny how so many people keep talking about how America needs to be more like this country or that country.

No matter what area of American life we are talking about people seem to think that other countries are better either in whole or part. Yet, when America starts being more like those other countries people start complaining. 

For example - Canada has health care for everyone. Some European countries and other countries have unified bathrooms and have had for years. And those same countries seem to have lower crime rate then America. Some country government has banned special interest groups from their government offices.

Maybe we do need to be more like Canada and provide medical care to everyone. Maybe we need to be more like other countries other countries and have unified bathrooms. Maybe we should allow all immigrant into the country. 

Canada's tax rate is a lot higher then in America. This allows them to provide medical and other assistance to their citizens. 

European and other countries have unified bathrooms and other things some Americans want. Yet many of those countries don't have the freedoms that America has. 

Maybe (and this one I can support) our government should ban special interest groups from all government offices. But I wonder what else they do that might not be in American interest. 

Maybe we should open our boarders to all immigrants. Allow all who wish to make a life in America easier. Questions At what cost? Give up our freedoms to accommodate their life styles? Give up our jobs and our cities? How long before you call a business and no longer have the option of speaking English?  How long before going to the mall or store is like visiting a war zone?

Seems to me a lot of America has a "grass is greener" syndrome. So many people seem to claim they want here in America what other countries have or are doing. Grass isn't always greener. Sometimes you have to appreciate and accept what all you do have and work to preserve that. Maybe there are things America would benefit from that other countries have or do. The question comes down to asking yourself what you are willing to pay for those things. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Arcadis book series - Adventure in Color, Magic and Adventure

Primary colors - Secondary colors - Magic - Adventure

What do you get when you combine all those things?  Arcadis book series written by George Kramer.

Arcadis is the son of Lord Quill a red primary the former ruler of all the sorcerers in and around the Convocation. Arcadis is drawn into battle and conflict he has spent he whole life trying to avoid.  Follow Arcadis, the Red Sorcerer as he battles primary and secondary colors all with the hopes of creating peace within the sorcerer world. Who will be Arcadis' real enemy?

In book one  "Arcadis Prophecy", we learn who Arcadis is and where he gets his power. We follow him on an adventure from his antique shop to the Convocation trying to solve a mystery of why so many sorcerers are challenging his powers. 

In book two "Arcadis War" we join Arcadis and other characters as they battle secondary colors and Warlocks and Wizards. Will they succeed? You never know. Who will win? Who will lose and at what cost?

In book three "Arcadis Decimation!" Arcadis is off to Warland to save the senior members of the Convocation. Check it out and find out if and how Arcadis saves the day.

In book four "Arcadis Emperor Of All, Emperor of None" we find Arcadis has made some deals to save the sorcerers. Will it back fire? Will they all survive? Who is playing who in this game of chess and who will be the victor?

Be watching for more books in the Arcadis series and catch up on those you've missed. Order your copies today at Amazon: Arcadis by George Kramer

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Davison Talk Network

Recently, I have been working with a friend on a new website/business proposal. Davison Talk Network an online broadcasting network providing lifestyle and entertainment programming. For me this is an exciting website to be involved in and one I feel has great potential to grow over time.

What is Davison Talk Network exactly? Davison Talk Network is a locally own, privately ran website offering live and prerecorded entertainment, news, political commentary and many more yet to come. Check out some of the currently available content in the link below:


What can you expect to hear on the videos currently offered on Davison Talk Network? Check out:

What's going on with George Moss. George Moss is a professor who brings you his views and out looks of politics and every day life.

Whats up with Kev: Community Talk.  Watch Kevin Manning as he gives his opinions on things like swag pants, video games and provides informational content about health products and cooking.

These are just two of the current offerings and there are more coming every week.

While you are checking out Davison Talk Network don't forget to look under the "Other Services" tab. There you will find video services being offered. Current services include:

Living Will: Let your family know how much you love them by giving them a keepsake video.
Reunion: Keep your family and friends back home up to date about things going on in your life.

Other services soon to be offered - Weddings and receptions, birthday parties for young and old, and special event. Email or call for more information about any of our services.

Davison Talk Network