Friday, December 20, 2013

Phil Robertson: Family, Christianity, Beliefs and Southern Honesty

There is no escaping the news stories concerning Phil Robertson and his comments concerning homosexuality. Some websites and people are claiming he said he hates homosexuals. Others sites are reprinting his comments from GQ magazine and expanding on how they interrupted his comments. On social media sites you will find a vast array of post supporting and against what Phil said in GQ magazine interview.

The Robertson family have made millions off their duck calls. They continue to rack in more and more off book deals, appearances, and other things. Phil and Kay Robertson have a net worth of over $10 million. Most all of the Robertson clan have a net worth of over million dollars.All the fame and fortune is not what makes Phil Robertson tick. Faith and his family and hunting are the things that make him happy happy happy.

One of the biggest mistakes a person can make concerning Phil Robertson, or any of the Robertson family is to assume they are stupid backwoods hillbilly hicks. Phil Robertson has a degree in education and is a former teacher. He is also the designer and inventor and patent holder of the duck calls they make and sell at Duck Commander headquarters. All of the Robertson have graduated from college with various degrees.

Above all else Phil and the Robertson family are strong southern Christians. This isn't just a title with them. They live it, breath it and share their faith to anyone willing (and not willing) to listen to them. Phil has called himself a bible thumper because of his deep conviction of his beliefs and faith.

It is this conviction of his faith and many other faucets of his life that better explain how he lives, how he thinks and why he believes the way he does. Despite it all he is a man willing, able and succeeds at standing on his own two feet. He will share his opinions openly and freely if asked and sometimes when not asked. If you agree with him that is fine. If you don't that is fine also. Phil Robertson's unwavering faith and belief won't falter because you disagree.

The Robertson family don't need A&E to make them better people. They don't depend on A&E to make them wealthy. And no matter who others may think, say or do Phil Robertson and the Robertson family will continue to believe freely, speak openly and share willingly their thoughts, ideas and opinions. 

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