Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Stupid People that use Pawn Shops

Over the last few months we have been watching Hardcore Pawn on TruTv. Mostly we've been watching it because we have a friend that works in a Pawnshop locally.  

We have come to the conclusion that our friend is correct - the kind of people that use pawn shops are stupid. Yeah we know that is kind of strong words but we assure you that it isn't nearly as strong as our friend says. 

Here are a few simple facts about using a Pawn shop to do business you need to follow:

1. If it was crap before you take it to pawn it it will be crap to them also.

2. If you don't want it because it too old they won't want it because it is too old.

3. You are a guest in their house (business) if you disrespect them they can and will throw your ass out.

4. Yelling, screaming, bitching, moaning, griping about them, their business, their offer, or their prices will only get you ignored or thrown out.

5. Those tickets they give you when you buy, sale or trade something are as valuable as the item you bought, sold or traded. You lose that ticket you screwed.

6. YOU ARE NOT HOT SHIT NOR ARE YOU THE TOUGHEST SOB IN THE STORE. THEY ARE!! They have in store security, city police and video cameras to back their tough asses up.

7. You can be jiving and profiling all you want but the minute you act like a ass they will leave you dangling like the piece of crap you are - broke and stupid.

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