Thursday, October 27, 2011

Occupy Movement

Occupy Movement seems to be going strong and getting stronger. But is that a good thing or a bad thing? One thing is for certain - Not everyone is happy about the Occupy Movement. Strangely enough some of the people that are doing the most complaining make up the 99% of the population that the Top 1% don't give a damn about.

I don't know much about the Occupy Movement other then what I've read. I know the Occupy Movement got its start in Canada and that it has been growing larger and larger since 2003. From what I've read there are a lot of good things that can come from the Occupy Movement - if and when more of the top 1% start listening and supporting it.

As a person who has spent his entire working life never making more then $8,000 a year and now living on Medical Disability Retirement making only $8,300 a year I strongly support the Occupy Movement.

My support for them is largely tied to the fact I am not allowed to make more then a given amount of money if I was to get a part time job, nor am I allowed to maintain a bank account with more then $2,000, nor am I allowed better medical care because Medicare and Medicaid won't cover it.

I find it hard to believe that for people living on disability and making far less then poverty that they should be penalized for trying to make more money some how. I find it saddening how most of the medical professionals don't give a damn about you or your health unless you have insurance and (seemly) let you die before treating you for something that isn't covered by your insurance.

Those are some of the many reasons I support Occupy Movement. For once in my life I feel like maybe someone is standing up for me - the little guy - and saying what I can't say. Our Government, Special Interest, Wall Street, Big Business and those that make up the top 1% of wealthiest don't give a damn about you, your kids, your job, your money or your life.

If you think they do then think about this - Why is it that a very wealthy television personality who is one of the wealthiest people in the world is more concerned with other nations when it comes to starting schools and other things? Why is it that a wealthy celebrity couple and also a wealthy singer have adopted from outside the U.S. yet don't spend a dime supporting American children in foster care? 

Something else to consider - The only reason Social Security is going broke is because our Government leaders have robbed it blind to support the pork crap that cost more then it is worth. Heaven forbid if the 99% of the American people who pay into their retirement get back what they are fully entitled to receive. Government, per request of the wealthy 1%, has stolen from every PROFITABLE program that supports the 99% of American people. They have stolen from things like Education, Social Security, Medicare, and other programs they had set up in the first place.

I'm no expert. I'm not even a good writer but I am an American who is sick and tired of the Wealthy walking all over everyone.

I know things will likely never change and in the end that is as it is. This doesn't mean we shouldn't try to change things. If you fail to try to change how things happen in America then we are already doomed to fail. Even Facebook is control by the wealthy of America and the sadder truth is we (the 99%) give them the power to control us by supporting them.

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