Sunday, July 31, 2011

What Kind of Cuts?

What will be cut when our elected officials pass a debt ceiling raise?

I haven't looked up any information yet but I am taking a guess based solely on pass experience watching other "hard to agree upon measures".

First is Social Security. I'm sure some how they will find a way to cut into. They always take away from the working class.

Second is Medicare and Medicaid. Again this is likely a given knowing how our government works. They love taking away from these programs while forcing people to take Medicare upon retirement even if those people don't want it. Taking more from Medicare and Medicaid is like beating a dead horse - all you do is disturb the maggots and the flies. Problem here is that there are many many people that depend on these programs even if it is a dead horse.

Thirdly is Education. Politicians for years have been crying about the state of the educational system yet they continually take away more and more funding. According to a few National news interview a large number of politicians send their kids to private schools. Maybe that explains why they cut public school funding - after all their kids are protected.

Another thing that wouldn't surprise me with any "debt ceiling increase" is pork spending that will be tacked onto the bill. Cut spending in programs that help the general population but increase pork spending that only helps politicians and big business.

Seems the only reason we are in this debt ceiling mess is because of all the trillions of dollars our government gave big business to bail them out. Even that cost the general population because of all the governmental cuts to allow for those funds to big business.

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